-R2GM- Alliance

11 會員

For club owners and co-owners only. If you want your club to join the -R2GM- Alliance, then join this club and we'll interview you to see if your club meets the requirements! The requirements are:

1. Your club must have at least 100 members.
2. You must put an -R2GM- Alliance banner at the top of your club's public and private descriptions.
3. You post a forum topic or announcement in your club, once you've joined, that your club has joined the -R2GM- Alliance.

Why should you join? What are the benefits for you?

The benefit of joining -R2GM- Alliance is plain and simple: -Road to GM- is a nearly 4,000-member club, so once you join our alliance, your club will be getting a platform in front of 4,000 members. It will be very good advertising for your club. If your club joins our alliance, your club will be added to a list of clubs we advertise in our club. Your club also has a chance of getting a free diamond membership race for your club! So don't waste time, and join now!

So join now, and give your new club (or old, it doesn't matter!) a competitive jumpstart in the world of chess.com clubs by joining -R2GM- Alliance!

The clubs currently in our alliance are as follows:

Dog Chess Village
Phoenix VIP Club
- King Of The Hill Team -
The Great And Extraordinary Chess Club
Chess.com vs. ChessKid
Star Wars