
My Best Game: IM Greg Shahade
15 min

My Best Game: IM Greg Shahade

IM GregShahade
| Aug 17, 2021

IM Greg Shahade is the organizer of the Pro Chess League, and a strong player himself. Check out his amazing win against, top GM, Fabiano Caruana and see where Greg learned the ideas needed to win the game.

Queen vs Rook: The 3rd Rank Defense
18 min

Queen vs Rook: The 3rd Rank Defense

GM jfriedel
| Aug 14, 2021

How does an engine defend with a rook against a queen? It will typically try to keep the rook defending on the third rank. GM Josh Friedel demonstrates how to win, even against perfect defensive technique.

Checkmate With Two Bishops
4 min

Checkmate With Two Bishops

NM SamCopeland
| Aug 10, 2021

Often in an endgame, the defending side will try to sacrifice a piece to eliminate the attacker's final pawn. When that happens you might need to know how to checkmate with just two bishops. NM Sam Copeland shows you...