300 Spartans

회원 560명
2014. 12. 10.
361 플레이한 이벤트

“The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy but where are they!” ― Plutarch.


300 Spartans is a team of chess players committed to fight to the best of their ability for a win, regardless of odds and living up to the glory of ancient Spartan warriors. This is a group for the "chosen few" - of all ratings: our chess fighters consider their active participation in the team matches not as a duty, but as a privilege. As a consequence, active participation is a requirement, tolerance for unjustified time outs very low...


Friendly and official team matches (we participate in all official cups, play for first place in division A of TMCL), but also internal cups with premium memberships as a reward for the winners are awaiting for your participation: Can we count on you?
