Ajedrez de Silicio

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Attack on Chess in Schools

Attack on Chess in Schools

FM AjedrezdeSilicio
| Jun 4, 2024

Chess, globally recognized for its ability to develop cognitive skills, faces a significant challenge at the Claretian School of Lima, Peru. This educational institution has been a pioneer in the inclusion of chess in its curriculum for 17 years, ...

The King that Defeated a Tsunami

The King that Defeated a Tsunami

FM AjedrezdeSilicio
| Nov 27, 2023

Ajedrez de Silicio In the world of chess, taking the King into the heart of the middlegame is often seen as reckless, an invitation to disaster. Imagine, if you will, a King advancing bravely into the battlefield, not in the calm endgame, but...

Overconfidence: The Lesson of Troy in Chess

Overconfidence: The Lesson of Troy in Chess

FM AjedrezdeSilicio
| Nov 17, 2023

Ajedrez de Silicio The Trojan Horse is one of the most emblematic stories of cunning and deception in Greek mythology. After a seemingly endless war against the city of Troy, the Greeks devised a plan as ingenious as it was bold. They built a...

Artistic Endgames in Training

Artistic Endgames in Training

FM AjedrezdeSilicio
| Mar 24, 2023

Artistic endgames, also known as compositions or studies, could be a more than useful resource for our progress in chess. Let's not think that because they are created positions and not part of international practice, this means that they serve on...

A Champion who deserves more...

A Champion who deserves more...

FM AjedrezdeSilicio
| Mar 22, 2023

World Champion, undoubtedly it is the title dreamed of by any athlete, many great geniuses never achieved it, others held glory for a short period of time. However, we will all agree that to achieve such a coveted award, a special mastery is requi...

Is chess a sport?

Is chess a sport?

FM AjedrezdeSilicio
| Mar 21, 2023

Chess is considered a sport because it involves both physical and mental activity, requiring complex skills and strategies played competitively. Although there isn't a significant physical component to the game itself, chess players need to mainta...

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