Bài học

Learn The Ruy Lopez Closed Variation

Learn The Ruy Lopez Closed Variation

How do you play one of the most popular openings in the last century?

The Closed Variation of the Ruy Lopez has been one of the most topical openings at grandmaster level for generations. Learn the key move orders and ideas for both sides!

  • Watch a video covering the key variations and plans for both sides.
  • Practice thematic tactics.
  • Review a model game by world champion Mikhail Tal.

Learn The Ruy Lopez Closed Variation

The Closed Ruy Lopez is one of the most popular openings throughout the history of chess. This lesson focuses specifically on the Chigorin and Breyer variations.
22 phút
10 Thách đấu

Ruy Lopez Closed Variation: Thematic Tactics

Practice tactical ideas for both White and Black.
10 Thách đấu

Ruy Lopez Closed Variation: Model Game

Learn from World Champion Mikhail Tal's brilliant play in the Breyer Variation of the Ruy Lopez.
1 Thách đấu

Learn The Ruy Lopez Closed Variation

Các khai cuộc
3 bài học
22 phút
21 thách đấu
Ngày đăng May 24, 2022