
Hey guys! My name is Jubilee, and I'm 17 years old. I live on a farm, and you can usually find me on photowalks, nose in a book, weeding potatoes or chasing cows! I am a Christian on fire for God, and if you have any desire to know more about this Loving, caring, merciful God, please shoot me a PM !

"No one can understand ever the greatness of 'Hmmmmm'" 

-Three Wise Weird Souls

"You don't need a bed, or sleep
You just need a freezer."

-A Very Wise Man

Hey there! My name is Jubilee and I love the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart! I have a personal relationship with Him and you can too! Jesus is a friend, father, brother, and rock to stand on. He’s my strength shield and song. My hope.  He’s the One who wipes away my tears and comforts me through my pain. He's the One that brings me joy and laughter. He’s my all and all. A perfect friend that will never ever let me down. He’s in my heart and He can be in yours too! Jesus died to save the world, died to save you. 💗

Not only did Jesus die, not only was he beaten, lied to, mocked, embarrassed, ridiculed, betrayed, tempted, doubted, and so much more, but he did it for you. He knew when he was asked the hardest questions it was for you. When his closest friends betrayed him, it was for you. He knew he had to endure it all. Just so he could see you smile. When they shoved that makeshift crown on his head, when the thorns pierced his skin, it was for you. When the nails went through his palms, it was for you. He knew that if he did it, he would be able to hear your laugh one day. He heard your cry then, and he hears your cry now. You know what he says? He says that it was worth it. He says that you are worth it. Just to see you, just to hear you. Not you were worth it, you are worth it. You will always be worth it. There is not a day that goes by that Jesus regrets what he did. He doesn’t think that it was a waste to die for someone like you, he knows that he died so you could have a better life. And he would do it again and again to see you. 

He loves you so much and I hope you know it!

(I copied this from @Truth-Finder 's account! )


Some of my bestest of friends:

@Truth-Finder - Abri. Man you don't even know how grateful I am that I met you. Like bro, you're literally so amazing, and I couldn't ask for a better friend. You're there for me when I need someone most, you have such a passion for Christ, and you work so hard for your family. You are beautiful, no matter what you think, and your heart is ten times that. I just want you to know how much I love you!! ❤️

@Cecilia - EEKKK Cecilia!! Dude were so alike XD Weather it comes to Elephant ears, or neck cricks, we usually can figure out what the other person is doing XD Bro I'm so grateful that that the Lord had our paths cross, because you make life so much fun!! With all your stickers, "finnish heritage", and your bad internet XDXD. But on a serious note, you're the type of person that OTHER people would look at, and be like "Man, she's so happy, and kind and carefree. I want that." Your love of Jesus shines through the most, and giving heart is always present. Love you so much sis! ❤️

@little_linguist - LAURIEEEEE!!!!!!!! BRUH. You're great. Amazing. Like, I can't even imagine how God brought our paths together. Over pizza? Who would have thunk. Even though we live in this messed up world, I can always count on one of my best friends to brighten it up for me. Your knowledge of the Bible, and God is super duper elevated, and you bring forth so many new viewpoints of the Scriptures that I never saw before, and bring them to light. Thank you for being literally legitally one of my best friends. You're the best! Love, Jo

@SweetPeaBuddy - Yo! Paco!!! You're the one who pushed me to share my knowledge of the Scriptures with CYCT, and just build up my confidence in them. You're a type of father figure for CYCT, and I can say without a doubt that all the members look up to you (:

@Lightning - XD Dude you're so much fun to talk to XD. We have like this one MAJOR thing in common, (Besides being Christians) One word for ya. FOOTBALL. I know I had to capatalize the whole thing XD You inspire to me to.....make more posts on IG  XD AND, to go on "photo walks" But anywho, like yuhhhh, thanks for being a great friend!

A VERY special thanks to all the Super Admins and Admins of CYCT, to pushing me closer to God in my faith, and challenging me with the Scriptures!! Y'all are such a wonderful staff, and I'm so grateful to be a part of it!

More of my Incredible Amazing Friends: V V V

@Courageous4Christ , @Dogs4Evr , @FaithfulServant , @CaptainHugh , @SoulMate333 , @campfireBuilder .

Well you know what, The WHOLE clan of CYCT, and CHT XD Y'all are great!!

Family on @FescueFarmer , @HammerHead08 , @Poultryman , @OinchristaloneO

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