
Knight versus Bishop (Part 2)

Knight versus Bishop (Part 2)

Learn to evaluate knights against bishops in every ending!

In this course, we shall see when the knight can overtake the other minor piece- the bishop; when the knight is better than its colleague; and why. GM Dejan Bojkov selected fresh samples from modern practice, although some old interesting positions were also taken into account. Start improving your minor endgame play today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn what positions favor each piece!
  • Learn how to convert a material advantage in the ending!
  • Learn to use the Principle of Two Weaknesses!


Thanks to the ability to switch the colours of its attack, the knight is very suitable for sudden double attacks.
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Blockade. Thanks to the "color-blindness" of the bishop, the knight can organize a successful blockade on the opposite color and defend even against two connected passed pawns.
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Thanks to its ability to change the colors of its attack the knight is able to build barriers, and prevent the opponent's king from reaching our pawns, or helping his own pawns.
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If the bishop is on a short diagonal it can be dominated by a knight and a king and the stronger side can force zugzwang.
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Domination on the Long Diagonal

A knight can dominate the bishop on the long diagonal only if it has support of its own king, and a passed pawn. It is a common theme in the study composition.
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Extra Pawn.

The outcome in the endgames with only one pawn left on the board depends on if the stronger side can limit the bishop or cover it's diagonal with the knight.
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Outside Passed Pawn

Outside passed pawn is used as in the other endgames to deflect the opponent's pieces for fight with the passer thus leaving the other flank exposed.
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Central Outpost

Knights adore the central outposts. From their protected position they can attack on both flanks, and easily reach almost any square.
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Pawns on One Flank

Even if there are pawns left only on one side of the board, the defender is in great danger for the various zugzwangs that can arise, and the lack of space.
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Wrong Pawns

Under certain circumstances bishop's own pawns can cause limitation of it's own mobility, thus making the knight the superior piece.
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Thinking in Schemes

When we owe the knight the most effective way to use it is to imagine where exactly is the best place for it.
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Pawns on the Colour of the Bishop

Pawns on the color of the bishop are extremely good news for the knight.
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Preventing the Counterplay

We have mentioned it before. The method called barrier can be used to prevent the counterplay on one of the flanks.
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The Berlin/Exchanged Ruy Lopez Endgame

This is another extremely favorable endgame for the knight.
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Knight versus Bishop (Part 2)

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Опубліковано November 17, 2007