
Alexey Troitsky's Studies

Alexey Troitsky's Studies

Get ready for some beautiful and amazing chess studies!

Alexey Troitsky was one of the founders of chess study composition. He wrote many amazing studies and also left his mark on several practical endgames. His studies frequently included themes of dominated bishops and moments when it's OK to allow promotion. Get ready for a challenge and some of the most beautiful studies ever composed!

  • Calculate some amazing tactics!
  • Learn to dominate bishops in the endgame.
  • Learn when it's OK to allow your opponent to promote.

Troitsky's Studies: A Sneaky Checkmate

This relatively short study may be Troitsky's most famous. See if you can find White's beautiful win.
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Troitsky's Studies: A Bad Bishop

Troitsky enjoyed studies where a bishop is dominated by the opposing forces in the endgame. This study is an enjoyable example. Try to find a path to victory for White.
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Troitsky's Studies: A Cunning King Hunt

This Troitsky study has a clear tactical theme, but you're going to want to discover it for yourself. Enjoy!
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Troitsky's Studies: Holding On

Black has two extra pawns, but it's been said that all rook endgames are drawn. Try to prove it!
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Troitsky's Studies: Not Done Yet

Troitsky enjoyed composing studies where all looked lost, but an amazing sequence could hold the draw. See if you can rescue White in this position.
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Troitsky's Studies: Pieces Over Pawns

Black has some dangerous pawns, but a rook and knight should be enough to win. Can you prove it?
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Troitsky's Studies: The Long Game

Even though many of Troitsky's studies are 100 years old, some of them can still cause trouble for modern engines. The winning plan here may stump Stockfish. can you figure it out?
2 Sfida

Alexey Troitsky's Studies

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Shperndarë 11/11/2020