Diamantni član trener

Hi, I'm Thomas! I've been studying chess since I was 8 years old. Though I took a break in middle school and high school, I returned to chess in college and have fallen back in love with the game. I've always had a passion for teaching, so I've decided to start offering coaching to any beginners or intermediate players who are interested. Contact me at [email protected] if you are interested and want to learn more.

A little more about me: I'm about to start graduate school for a PhD in computational condensed matter physics. I also write songs for the acoustic guitar, and I think chess is a wonderful of intersection of the analytical nature of physics and the creative nature of songwriting. I hope I can inspire more people to find and grow their own love of chess.

Not currently accepting any new students.

Eagles Nest
Eagles Nest 491 članov
Coaches 1.742 članov
CHESSBRAHS 49.242 članov
USChess 65.036 članov