
Learn From The Best: Stockfish

Learn From The Best: Stockfish

Learn from the games of the strongest chess entity in history!

Stockfish has been one of the strongest engines in the world for years and recently added a neural net to make it even stronger. Learn from some of Stockfish's greatest games!

  • See Stockfish dominate in the style of Paul Morphy.
  • Watch Stockfish play an amazing King's Indian!
  • Learn how Stockfish checkmates after the opponent moves an f-pawn.
  • Check out how Stockfish tames the Dragon.

Learn From The Best: Stockfish's Morphy Impression

It's not often that one of the top engines in the world gets checkmated on move 24. Check out how Stockfish makes the engine Stoofvlees look like a 19th-century amateur!
10 min
5 Izzivov

Learn From The Best: Stockfish's King's Indian

Traditional engines have long considered the King's Indian Defense to favor White. However, Stockfish, armed with a neural net recently won one of the most amazing King's Indian Attacks ever played!
12 min
5 Izzivov

Learn From The Best: Stockfish Slays The Dragon

In its inaugural event after adding a neural net Stockfish won with a brilliant dismantling of the Sicilian Dragon. Check out how Stockfish balanced attack and defense in an amazing display!
16 min
5 Izzivov

Learn From The Best: Stockfish Goes On A King Hunt

One thing that Stockfish won't abide is an opponent's exposed king. Check out how Stockfish takes down Leela's early f5 in a brilliant game!
13 min
5 Izzivov

Learn From The Best: Stockfish

Igre mojstrov
4 lekcije
51 videov
20 izzivov
Izdano 9/23/2020