
I am the alt of @duolingo_is_under_u

I have to rewrite all of this because didn't save my rant

speaking of rants, here goes:

I am 12 years old, asian american, a 2 time AIME qual, #1 at chess in my city of 100k, I have a 50% winrate against GMs, etc...

Why am I doing this

I already typed out a rant, it didn't save, so i'm doing it again?


there is no point

I could be here doing something relevant but I am here continuing a rant, revived from the dead

anyways, enough about my life choices. 

oh god... how did the first rant go?

Ok lets start with the basics: 

I made this alt because my name @duolingo_is_under_u is so dumb and stupid....

the youth are so naive

and yes, I count as youth. You might say, why are you so hypocritical?

And I don't have a good response besides yes. 

I know I am right. I'm always right. Except for when i'm wrong. I am great at being objective and honest with myself. I am unbiased.

Actually. I pride myself in my objectivity(idk)

I probably sound like unhinged Bing AI right now. 

Anyways, back on topic(or off) in addition to my great skills of being objective and unbiased, (which exist I assure you) (not sarcasm) I am also incredibly mature. I hope. 

I would have an example, but I really don't want to think of one so lets just move on. 

I am nonreligious, I don't want to deal with any of that atheism or Jesus Christ. Did you know you can't convert to hinduism? Thank god I don't need to deal with any of that

If god is real, I wouldn't be shook to my core or anything. I don't know if god(s) exist or not and I accept my irrelevance in that situation.

Next: Why MeowmersWem? Cuz one of my cats is named meowmers(the grey one) and has a last name of wem. Why does my cat have a last name? Don't worry about it. Next

I am incredibly straight. Straight as a straightedge. My position on the lgbtq+ is neutral. I'm not gonna respect them any more or less. If I dunk on straight people, I would probably also dunk on lqbtq. I respect the lgbtq but if they make an overly big deal about it to a point where it is obnoxious, I would get annoyed. Basics. True neutral. 

also. Even though I am academically cracked I do get into a lot of trouble. This year I got in trouble because I cyberbullied(exaggerating a bit) someone on a school computer.

(note it wasn't cyberbullying and I stand against cyberbullying; it was not onesided, both sides dissed each other and it was overall pretty funny)

anyways, next up: am I a nerd?

Even though I have many traits of a nerd: Arguing if thyself is a nerd, using the word thyself, being academically crazy, having iq of 142(bad), I am actually very social and not nervous or overthinking or something. Idk if that counts as being a nerd or not, but I don't think myself as one.

I gtg

thx for scrolling

k i'm back and I changed my pfp

now it has a chessboard : )

I never liked the happy.png emote

its kind of weird

can't I just keep the : )

also 25 things about me bc I need to fill this up:

1. I am a boy

2. I am a 2 time AIME qual

3. I have Black Hair

4. I think Pineapple is disgusting on pizza

5. I am 12

6. I have lots of friends(I think....)

7. I have 0 rizz.

8. I'm the best at chess in my whole city of 100k+ people

9. I think too much about what others think of me

10. I am good at adapting to situations

11. I am very energetic and charismatic

12. I definitely have 0 rizz

13. I worry what would happen if my friends saw this post

14. I have gotten in trouble for cyberbullying

15. I regret 14 but it was really funny

16. I have been outside of my home country

17. I have moved schools twice and have been homeschooled

18. Somehow, I have only moved once, when I was really young

19. I don't think anybody will care about this

20. I can do therapy?(maybe?)

21. I am also in a class rn but I am doing this

22. What am I doing with my life?

23. I am not religious but not atheist

24. What Happens when we die?

25. What is the meaning of life?

also: why belgium?

well bc its cool

ok im done here



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