Бриллиантовый пользователь

I play to learn and grow and enjoy the companionship of like minded though tough competitors.  Getting beat, and beat badly, making mistakes and losing are all part of this game, no one is beyond it.  But... the ability to do it less does come with the effort to learn and with that comes great satisfaction which though this is only a game, I greatly enjoy.  And, winning a tough, nearly lost game against a great player, well there is nothing like that is there? No words to describe it adequately really

I seek to improve my game as I stated above, and I enjoy that tremendously,

Acts 4:12

The Most Anointed Song


The Golden Phoenix
The Golden Phoenix 666 пользователей
Team  USA
Team USA 3 521 пользователь
Chess Dream Team
Chess Dream Team 401 пользователь
Total 960
Total 960 941 пользователь
Ochman's Study Group
Ochman's Study Group 710 пользователей