
Learn The Benko Gambit

Learn The Benko Gambit

How can Black fight for the initiative against 1.d4? Try the Benko Gambit!

The Benko Gambit is a rare gambit where one side has enough positional compensation to safely play down material for many moves. Learn the key strategic ideas and tactical patterns for both sides.

  • Practice common tactical ideas.
  • Find the moves in a model game for the white side.

Learn The Benko Gambit

Learn the key ideas for both sides in the sharp Benko Gambit.
29 мин.
10 заданий

Learn The Benko Gambit: Thematic Tactics

Practice essential tactical ideas in the Benko Gambit.
10 заданий

Learn The Benko Gambit: Model Game

Find the moves in a Benko Gambit battle between NM Jeremy Kane and FM Paulo Del Mundo.
1 задание

Learn The Benko Gambit

3 урока
29 минут
21 задание
Дата выпуска: 8/16/2022