IM Pavel Govciyan Full name Pavel Govciyan Born 1/1/1984 (age 41) Place of birth Federation France Profiles #1389 World Ranking 2422 Classical 2387 Rapid 2394 Blitz Rating Bio Most Played Openings White Pieces Queen's Pawn Opening: Accelerated London System (5 games) Queen's Gambit Declined: Catalan Opening (4 games) King's Indian Defense: Orthodox, Glek Defense (3 games) Catalan Opening: Closed (3 games) Queen's Gambit Accepted: Old Variation (2 games) Black Pieces Modern Defense with 1.d4 (5 games) Benko Gambit Fully-Accepted: Fianchetto, Fianchetto Attack (3 games) Pirc Defense: Classical Variation (3 games) English Opening: Great Snake Variation (3 games) Italian Game: Two Knights, Modern Bishop's Opening (3 games) Games Players Result Moves Year Pavel Govciyan (2444) Matthieu Cornette (2584) ½-½ 49 2023 Pavel Govciyan (2444) Nikolay A Legky (2360) 1-0 49 2023 Pavel Govciyan (2448) Florian Buehler (2065) 1-0 40 2015 Pavel Govciyan (2451) Jose Maria Sorroche Martin (2164) 0-1 60 2012 Pavel Govciyan (2451) Juan Luis Ramiro Ovejero (2349) ½-½ 38 2012 Pavel Govciyan (2451) Jose Ignacio Rebole Arbea (2188) 1-0 39 2012 Pavel Govciyan (2451) Marc Balague Camps (2072) 1-0 56 2012 Pavel Govciyan (2451) Emili Colls Gelaberto (2171) 1-0 49 2012 Pavel Govciyan (2441) Sebastien Maze (2594) 1-0 31 2012 Pavel Govciyan (2434) Ante Brkic (2592) ½-½ 17 2011 Show All Games