Znajdź Klub Szachowy

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Open Discussion
Applicants must confirm the following when applying to join this club: you are 16 years of age or older your account has been open for at least 3...
Our club needs active members of all chess abilities who want to help the club achieve good results.We participate in a lot of league matches and a...
2 148
Dragon International United
🎉 Welcome to Dragon International United! 🏆 Ready to unleash your chess skills and dominate the chessboard? Whether you're a fearsome dragon or...
Saudi Chess Federation
الحساب الرسمي العام للاتحاد السعودي للشطرنج | The Official Public Account of Saudi Chess Federation   الاتحاد السعودي للشطرنج منظمة غير ربحية معت...
8 418
ASD Bellona
ASD Bellona scacchi, Associazione Scacchistica Dilettantistica Ci trovate a Montebelluna alle Einaudi Ci si vede il sabato pomeriggio o il gi...
1a Marcel+Annie
 Hallo 🍀🤞🏾🍀 🇾🇪Brabant🍀🌹🍀🧸🍀🌹🍀 🇭🇺🍀🤞🍀🇭🇺🤗    
Deutsche Schachfreunde
Herzlich Willkommen bei den deutschen Schachfreunden. Jeder Schachfreund ist herzlich eingeladen beizutreten. Die Hauptsprache der Gruppe ist deuts...
Team Australia-Adelaide SA
This club represents Adelaide in the State of South Australia. We represent the Capital city of Adelaide in the Cities World Cup, Team Match Ch...
Chevaliers Teutoniques
Salut, nous vous invitons à rejoindre les Chevaliers Teutoniques pour représenter vaillamment notre pays, la France. Nous voulons des joueurs prése...
Chess Unlimited
Chess Unlimited was started in 2008 as one of the earliest formed teams on chess.com. Over the years, Chess Unlimited has seen many changes and h...
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Team Zambia
This is the group representing '' ZAMBIA '' in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Match ...
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Team Brazil
O Team Brazil é o time oficial brasileiro nos campeonatos de Daily Matches (xadrez diário) da World League - WL e da Pan-American League - PAL na p...
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4PC Variant Creators
Hello! If you are a variant creator, pls come on over! We help all create and publish your games. If you need testers, just let us know and join th...
Inter Miami CF and Messi Fan Club
Welcome to the Official Inter Miami C.F. YouTube. Hello, we are reinforcing all the lines of play at all levels of our Club and you were chosen, al...
The Romantics of Chess
Welcome to The Romantics of Chess.   We're a community of unique, kind, and fun individuals who will do their best to make you have a good time a...
Girl's Storm House
Raquel founded this club with me on January 24, 2023. If you're a woman over 18, courageous, a warrior in life and in chess, come and join us to pl...
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Privileged paid DCA members club
DAKSHINAMOORTHY CHESS ACADEMY (DCA) has opened this club only for its paid members to conduct two online tournaments daily.  The entry to the tourn...
Slavic Warriors
Slavic Warriors to grupa stworzona dla graczy z Polski i Ukrainy , którzy lubią rozgrywać mecze drużynowe Slavic Warriors - це група, ств...
Rob's USCF Tournaments Club
A Club of those invited interested in USCF online rated chess, if you want to join the club, you must be A united states chess federation member. ...
Republic Of Chess.com Gamerz
Hello!!!! Welcome to THE REPUBLIC OF CHESS.COM GAMERZ official club. What 3 main things our club offers- 1) you can chat here and make goo...
Chess with Mr. S School
Chess with Mr. S is a chess school focused on teaching the incredible game of chess to young minds in the right way! By never compromising on quali...
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The Pokéchess Club
       Welcome to The Pokéchess Club Invite.!! A fun chess club Dedicated to pokémon where all pokémon...