
Immortal Games

Immortal Games

Learn about the greatest games in chess history! Find out what made them immortal!

Do you want to learn from the most amazing games in chess history? Study some of the most amazing games ever played with GM Simon Williams. See if you can find some of the most brilliant combinations ever played. Start playing "immortal" chess today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn from "The Immortal Game!"
  • Learn from maybe the most amazing draw in history!
  • Check out Miguel Najdorf's "Polish Immortal!"
  • Learn about the lesser-known, but amazing Ukrainian and Peruvian immortal games!

"Amazing games! What an attack! So many sacrifices to deliver checkmate!" - member 2Ke21-0

The Immortal Game

Adolph Anderrsen played an amazing game in 1851, which became known as "The Immortal Game." Learn about his attacking play and see if you can find his brilliant combination.
11 min.
5 izaicinājumi

The Immortal Draw

Do you think all draws are boring? See if you can find all of the incredible ideas in this thrilling battle between attack and defense!
11 min.
5 izaicinājumi

The Polish Immortal

Miguel Najdorf was one of the top players of the mid-20th century. Try to calculate your way through the tactics of his most famous brilliancy.
11 min.
5 izaicinājumi

The Ukrainian Immortal

You might be able to spot the amazing sacrifice that kicks off this historic game, but stick around to see the beautiful fireworks that end the show!
11 min.
5 izaicinājumi

The Peruvian Immortal

Can you sacrifice your queen and both rooks and still win a chess game? GM Simon Williams shows us a beautiful attacking game that is as amazing as it is short!
9 min.
5 izaicinājumi