

I love chess playhand

This is an over the board chess game I played as white.  The Scholar's Mate 

Date I joined these first few clubs: Community: June 29, 2024 Saturday

iCHESS: July 16, 2024 Tuesday

I joined because I was interested and I planned to join a few days before the date above.

Vidyut's Road to GM: July 18, 2024 Thursday's Pro Club: July 20, 2024 Saturday

Chess Battleground: July 25, 2024 Thursday

The Rook Gang: August 1, 2024 Thursday

You can join any of the clubs mentioned above!

My club is Tournaments and Great Chess Club, please join it because we will make it active by making tournaments for everyone to learn, make friends, and have fun. 

Please join iCHESS

It's the second club I ever joined and I totally support this club. It has nearly 5300 members!

I feel "home" in the club. I supported it on my very first Multi Club Arena. It's an old club, and it became really successful now with the new owner and co-owners!

(I'm Admin there.)

Please join my fan club!

Link: dog_lover2014's Fan Club

We'll be active in notes and live chat!

Also please join this club: Average Kids Community.

( grin)

Not accepting friend requests, messages, or club invites. Hope you understand, thanks.


@KingOfBrilliancy: He's active like me. 

@Java:  e 

@K3NT4NG_1:  He's a nice SA in my club, we support each others clubs. So please join the FR13S CLUB and Tournaments and Great Chess Club.

@Jared: He's the second one to put a note on my profile. Congrats!

@TheMidnightExpress12: I once checked his account as guest (I already had this account that time) and read his blogs and finally friended him. 

@Cheese: The owner of The Super Speedy Chess Club. Please join it! He's also a great club owner.

@Yoofythemaster and @BaaniTheAmateur: Great friends, we met in cc community live chat. Please join if you're a kid/an average kid: Average Kids Community.

@Pawnsonglikedawn: The one who started the best roleplay and adopted me. Also please click on this and this.


@oldgoldglovekid: A nice friend! We met since he joined my club. He supported it a lot! Also one of the rare kind people I've seen. He's now co-owner in my club, Tournaments and Great Chess Club.

Clubs I hold rank on:


Tournaments and Great Chess Club

dog_lover2014's Fan Club

dog_lover2014's Private Club

Private Investigation Friends Club


Vidyut's Road to GM


The Wompers


Wolf and Cats Gang


The Checkmate Connoiseurs's Pro Club

Average Kids Community



The Super Speedy Chess Club

Youssef's Official Fan Club

Jared's Fan Club


The United Chess Nations vs. Chesskid

The New Vizeist Empire

My brilliant moves:

1. Bxf7+ !!

2. Bxf7+ !! 

3. Nxe5 !!

4. Nf6+ !!

5. Bxf7 !!

6. Nxf6 !!

"Good. 💀" - dog_lover2014

"Wise people don't know they're wise."

"kkkk hhhhh"


"I'm only 2 seconds old"



"My name is e, from WANI, and I'm only 2 seconds old" - dog_lover2014

"Many people disrespect the innocent." - dog_lover2014

I ain't joining any more clubs because I will only focus on these clubs:

Tournaments and Great Chess Club

dog_lover2014's Fan Club


The Prodigies Of Chess

Jared's Fan Club

Youssef's Official Fan Club

Common Sense Of Chess

The Checkmate Connoiseurs

The Legend Club - TLC's Pro Club

Average Kids Community

But thanks for appreciating how I can organize your club well.

Note: Do NOT steal any status, word, sentence, quote, or any part of my bio unless I give you my permission. If you think do not have anything to write in your status or bio (or anything else), find a solution without copying anything for no reason.

Important things you should read:

What doesn't matter: Being rich, poor, fame, cheers on, members in clubs, whether you're a beginner or master, your religion, your opinion, age, generation, and more. What matters is: Family, friends, humility, kindness, being friendly, being helpful, your love, effort for doing something good, and more.

Zip/shut your mouth if you have nothing good to say.

It doesn't matter if you give me a cheer, what matters is we're talking to each other as friends.

If someone says something negative or bad about you, just ignore it if you know that you have done nothing wrong, because many people disrespect the innocent. But if you realise you did something improper (For Example: Bullying, making fun of others without knowing what they have done important.) then you should be open to kind explanations on how to be a better friend/person.

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The Other Club
The Other Club 448 Nariai (-ių) Beta Beta 4 737 Nariai (-ių)
Lily's Novel Ideas
Lily's Novel Ideas 777 Nariai (-ių)
Kids-Only Club
Kids-Only Club 385 Nariai (-ių)
The Better Chess Club
The Better Chess Club 34 Nariai (-ių)