My world's on fire. How about yours? That's the way I like it and I never get bored.
Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ray. I am your friendly digital cartoonist and chess enthusiast who lives in Canada! Nice to meet you!
I discovered this site in 2023 when was getting too easy for me. Or that is, too easy for my rating level. I found myself to be in a very weird rating range, as I would either lose to try-hards who were much higher rated than me, or altogether win against anyone with similar ratings or lower. I went to this site in hopes of getting opponents to fight with instead of just knowing the result by looking at rating points. And I sure got what I wanted! Along with some other things our awesome chess community blessed me with, such as 27,000+ views and nearly 5,000 followers. You guys mean the world!
I am currently the proud owner and admin of multiple clubs, additionally the blog of ChessComTakeover, which was a crazy fad for at least a little while. Some of my posts even hit thousands of views!
If you've seen my profile on this site before, you probably know this. I have a lot of club experience. For example, I have brought multiple clubs from 1 member all the way up to 1000+ members... all from scratch! Check out the CNR CHESS CLUB and my FAN CLUB to see for yourself!
...of course I do also own multiple other clubs that are nearing 1000 members. Additionally I'm an experienced admin for so many clubs that I would bore you out of your mind if I said anything more.
Enough of this site! You clicked here to learn about me, didn't you? My favorite color is green, my favorite car is a Lamborghini Urus, and my dream computer is in an Azza Overdrive Gaming Case. More over all of that... I love FOXES!! I'M CRAZZZZYYYY OVER THEM!! I pretty much draw foxes and furry animals every day. As mentioned, I'm a digital cartoonist, I have entire worlds of OCs and such. Most of my favorite OCs are anthros. (yeah you needed to know that too)
On the rest of my freetime, I love to create animations, compose original music, and draw in various softwares. For the most part of my designing I use Krita, Kleki, and Magma!
If you made it this far, I'm not letting you go yet before I share my work with you! Discover the rest of me on social media! Follow me anywhere and I'm more than happy to follow you right back!
My Instagram:
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My Artstation:
Don't be shy to chat with me :D