I am a mathematics professor in the City University of New York. I teach at two campuses: City College of New York and LaGuardia Community College. I have many academic interests beyond mathematics, ranging from music to literature to philosophy. My active research area is mathematical music theory. My handle, "knetfan", derives from one of the mathematical objects used by music theorists: "Klumpenhouwer Networks" or "K-nets" for short!
Adriana Nikolova FANCLUB
Adriana Nikolova FANCLUB 1 501 թիմակիցներ
Anna Muzychuk Fan Club
Anna Muzychuk Fan Club 695 թիմակիցներ
FanatikClub 834 թիմակիցներ
Magnus Carlsen's fan club
Magnus Carlsen's fan club 1 310 թիմակիցներ
Young Beauties
Young Beauties 419 թիմակիցներ