Chess Games Database
Goran Segovic
Full name
Goran Segovic
Jan 1, 1983 (age 42)‎
Place of birth

Total Games 103

17% Win
41% Draw
42% Loss

As White 57

12% Win
47% Draw
41% Loss

As Black 46

24% Win
33% Draw
43% Loss

Goran Segovic Chess Games

Players Result Moves Year
Goran Segovic (2279)
Luka Karlusic (2236)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 Sicilian Defense: Four Knights Variation
½-½ 14 2024
Goran Segovic (2279)
Marko Tratar (2374)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. g3 Nc6 Sicilian Defense: French Variation
½-½ 57 2024
Goran Segovic (2279)
Gal Drnovsek (2394)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 Sicilian Defense: Open, Najdorf, English Attack
0-1 59 2024
Goran Segovic (2246)
Sergey Grigoriants (2532)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. c3 d5 Alapin Sicilian Defense: Barmen Defense
0-1 51 2023
Goran Segovic (2324)
Miljenko Muha (2276)
1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 e5 Philidor Defense: Hanham, Lion Variation
½-½ 95 2023
Goran Segovic (2274)
Mladen Trbojevic (2370)
1. e4 Nc6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 Nimzowitsch Defense: Scandinavian, Advance Variation
½-½ 49 2021
Goran Segovic (2274)
Mario Zovko (2312)
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 Be7 French Defense: Tarrasch, Morozevich Variation
½-½ 15 2021
Goran Segovic (2274)
Dejan Stojanovski (2424)
1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 e5 Pirc Defense
½-½ 18 2021
Goran Segovic (2263)
Robert Zelcic (2486)
1. e4 c6 2. c4 d5 3. cxd5 cxd5 Caro-Kann Defense: Accelerated Panov, Modern Variation
0-1 48 2017
Goran Segovic (2263)
Philipp Schlosser (2508)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. c3 d5 Alapin Sicilian Defense: Barmen Defense
0-1 47 2017
Goran Segovic (2232)
Dalibor Stojanovic (2499)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Nd7 Sicilian Defense: Canal Attack
½-½ 45 2015
Goran Segovic (2232)
Nikola Radovanovic (2409)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 Sicilian Defense: Open, Scheveningen Variation
½-½ 31 2015
Goran Segovic (2232)
Nebojsa Nikcevic (2413)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 Sicilian Defense: Open, Pelikán and Sveshnikov, Chelyabinsk Variation
½-½ 13 2015
Goran Segovic (2232)
Miroslav Zufic (2459)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Nd7 Sicilian Defense: Canal Attack
½-½ 65 2015
Goran Segovic (2229)
Tomislav Vukelic (2166)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. c3 Ne7 Alapin Sicilian Defense
½-½ 59 2014
Goran Segovic (2235)
Vladimir Bukal Jr (2421)
1. d4 e6 2. c4 b6 3. e4 Bb7 Queen's Pawn Opening: English Defense
½-½ 31 2014
Goran Segovic (2235)
Vjekoslav Zivkovic (2363)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Nd7 Sicilian Defense: Canal Attack
½-½ 35 2014
Goran Segovic (2235)
Vlatko Kovacevic (2467)
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 a6 French Defense: Tarrasch, Open, Euwe-Keres Line
0-1 54 2014
Goran Segovic (2229)
Vjekoslav Nemec (2069)
1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 Alekhine's Defense: Modern, Larsen Variation
1-0 69 2014
Goran Segovic (2229)
Giuseppe Ghersinich (1918)
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 c5 French Defense: Tarrasch, Open, Shaposhnikov Gambit
1-0 30 2014
Goran Segovic (2191)
Mladen Muse (2434)
1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 d6 Modern Defense: Standard, Pseudo-Austrian Attack
1-0 37 2013
Goran Segovic (2191)
Denis Rosandic (2256)
1. e4 g6 2. g3 Bg7 3. Bg2 c5 Sicilian Defense: Lasker-Dunne Attack
½-½ 9 2013
Goran Segovic (2191)
Ivan Zaja (2487)
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 Scotch Game: Malaniuk Variation
½-½ 73 2013
Goran Segovic (2191)
Edmond Paljusaj (2316)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 Sicilian Defense: Taimanov, Bastrikov Variation
½-½ 113 2013
Goran Segovic (2191)
Marin Bosiocic (2563)
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Nc6 Sicilian Defense: Canal Attack
½-½ 61 2013