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Private lessons 20$/hour. Currently I have 23 students. For more info send me a private message.

Why do you need a chess trainer/coach?

Very few people frequent chess clubs where good players can verbally explain their mistakes and how to stop repeating them –that's how you improve in chess. Instead, the average acquires information from the internet, which makes me think of a medicine cabinet filled with drugs for illnesses they don't have –some of which have expired decades ago.

For example, the average player may be familiar with weaknesses due to doubled pawns. But if they don't understand the underlying principles, they won't grasp when it's applicable and when it's not. The same goes for tactical puzzles. Tactics are important, but they are just one leg of the table. They help you solve immediate problems, but a good strategist can put you in a position where, even if there is a tactical solution, it won't be favorable to you –akin to a tactical puzzle where you play and lose.

Allow me to draw a parallel between language and chess. Let's say you want to go to France. You don't speak French, but you want to be at least able to communicate. Learning and practicing the language with people who know it well would be reasonable since they can help you when you have difficulties expressing yourself. What's irrational is to expect improvements from gathering with people who don't know the language well enough and have you repeat daily: "Je m'appelle Pierre, mon frère s'appelle Vincent, comment s'appelle ton frère ?" –"My name is Pierre, my brother is Vincent, what's your brother's name?"