Trouvez un club d'échecs

Ajedrez de Primera
Somos seguidores de Ajedrez de Primera, ergo híper re contra fanáticos del ajedrez.
Team Uganda
This is the group representing '' Uganda '' in the World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Match ...
1 607
Love the chess variant "crazyhouse"? Join the official club, and use this chat room to organize matches, discuss strategies, etc.
4 066
Club de Ajedrez Mijail Tal
El club Mijail Tal, se inició en junio del 2021 cuando se formó la primer personería jurídica. Desde entonces el club f...
Mexico Live Chess
¡Juega por México! México Live Chess es el equipo que representa a nuestro país en, registrado para competir en las ligas "Mundial (LCWL...
5 400
Project Peacemaker
This club is for all people who want peace, be it peace for the world or just their own, no matter what country you come from. Only friendly games ...
icy's gang
Icy's Gang is a Daily match games focused competitive chess club. We are a smaller friendly club in the top 6% of all 10,000 teams on the Club Matc...
Discovery One
“Embark on an interstellar strategic adventure with the Discovery One chess club ! Explore cosmic openings, face opponents from distant ga...
Nmch chess club
For medical College students + pgs 
Gay Chess Players
A friendly club for chess players who are members of the LGBTQ+ community and our allies.  Many (but not all) of our members are gay men, and as an...
3 679
Team Washington
We are Team Washington, everyone who lives in the State may join. We want to provide a platform for local members to communicate, improve skills an...
Championnat de France par Equipe   -CFE-
Le Championnat de France par Equipe (CFE) regroupe les équipes françaises pour jouer un championnat français. Le CFE propose...
1 401
The Void Alliance Club
We are on the track of getting all of the toxic and unfair people out of entirely!! The Void Will be a place for dark and mysterious talk...
Award Collectors
If you are trying to collect awards, you have come to the right place!  Here, we will help each other as a community to mine for achievements....
Chess Dream Team
We have the honor and the pleasure to invite YOU to CHESS DREAM TEAM, a welcoming club, which stands out for its many activities and great distin...
Team Italia DOC
 Team Italia DOC è il club italiano più attivo su  Organizza numerosi tornei interni divertenti ed impegnativi, cui possono partecipare...
644 Custom Pieces
This club is a dedicated space for users of the Custom Pieces browser extension, where chess enthusiasts can share their custom designs w...
1 401
Groovers And Movers
Hi, this is a group that emerged from the Groovy Gang. Some people have now risen in ratings, so Groovers was created.  We have regular inter-group...
WELLCOME TO THE the-diamond-club  
Peak Performers
Peak Performers is a very active, well established club which focuses mostly on daily matches. We have over 50,000 match points and are very close ...
MLB Fan Club
Hello, you are here because you are associated with baseball, and  I think that it would fun if you could join this club! Come represent your ...