Яровинский Алексей Борисович, мастер спорта Украины, г. Харьков. Публикуюсь в издании "64 - Шахматное обозрение". Имею опыт работы...
Not increasing your rating? Trying to dwell into the fascinating secrets of 64 magical squares. Ask questions! I am Robert Aghasaryan....
FIDE trainer and Grand Master. More than 25 Years of playing experience at the National and International level. Experience as a trainer...
Dear fellow chess enthusiasts, I am FM Charles Galofre, a highly experienced chess coach based in Pompano Beach, Florida, USA. I work...
World Amateur Chess Champion 2017:https://amateurchess.com/aco-world-amateur-chess-championship-kos-2017/My name is Andrey Gutov and...