عضو الماسی

This is a summary of my chess ``career`` so far, summary of my personal strivings, my beliefs and values I want to cherish as a chess player and human. 

Chess beginnings and goals

I am 27 yr old from Serbia. Been playing chess on and off for more than 10 years for sure. I started somewhere during primary school, 3rd or 4th grade I believe, and few years later I already became champion of primary schools in my city with maximum score - 11/11. I`m not sure who was the first to teach me to play chess in the beginning. It could be my father, uncle or sister. One thing is sure tho – my uncle, who is a very strong chess player as well, awoke interest in me for getting better at chess. As I mentioned earlier, chess has always been a part of my life, I could play it every day for 2 weeks and then I could not play a single game at all for like 2-3 months. Nonetheless, chess is always on my mind. I often solve puzzle rush even if I am not playing games, to keep my edge. I also like to watch streamers like Hikaru, Gottam chess, Eric Rosen, and Botez sisters.. I follow world chess championships religiously, and I tend to become even better than I am today. My ultimate goal is to become FM and chess streamer one day. 

Significant games

To name few of my significant games so far (although I haven`t played many tournaments in RL): I beat Marko Milanović (in non-official tournament, in club d20, when he was very young tho). I also managed to draw a game with WFM Irena Nestorović, in my first-ever appearance in a fide-rated tournament. I also managed to play quite decent game (I drew) vs Dejan Tasev who played simulataneus game vs 10 players: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAFV6-YNjFg

As for other significant games, I managed to beat Andrea Botez in 1 minute bullet game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7A-D3L3W3g&t=9601s  My game starts at 2:17:53. I also played 2 bullet games vs GM Ben Finegold. I lost both of them but I gave decent resistance, especially in the second one.

Prefered time format, playstyle

I believe I`m quite fast player, very resourceful as well. I prefer playing unrated bullet games at the moment, but hopefully I will go back to learning and practising chess and playing more useful formats.