
Hello, Welcome to my Profile!

platinumQueen Of Puzzle Duel A.K.A. PD

or new format: Puzzle Duel

Important: press here 

My chess club banner:

                                         The Ultimate United States Chess Club Banner

Just click on the link and you'll go to the club page. Link exists elsewhere on my bio...


My name is Avery, I love cats, especially jaguars, and I like watching boring old movies and TV shows I’ve watched five times before. I like codes: /....  .  .-..  .-..  ---/ also known as: . I'm always editing my bio. I go offline a lot. My birthday is 10/3. My ChessKid ratings are pretty good and I’m trying to improve my ratings. I am apart of 201 clubs:  Clubs (201)‎  Club limit, ha ha oops now I can't join anymore clubs. But, I got 201! It's my secret, though 200 is the club limit... Or is it...

Clubs I hold a Position in:

The Ultimate United States Chess Club 

Position: Super Admin/Club Manager

House Ravenclaw Common Room

Position: Coordinator

The Insane Chess Club -Just For Fun-

Position: Coordinator

Chess is Amazing

Position: Admin

Chess War Club

Position: Coordinator

Road to Titled Player

Position: Coordinator

Team Union 

Position: Super Admin/Club Manager

The Fur Cats Club

Position: Super Admin/Club Manager

Cat's are the best 

Position: Coordinator

The ChessKid Players Club 

Position: Super Admin/Club Manager

The ChessKid Puzzle Duelers

Position: Super Admin/Club Manager

FairBoldSnowman And Puzzle Duel Fan Club 

Position: Admin

ChessKid Friends. 

Position: Admin

My favorite books ( not in any particular order ):

Harry Potter

Wings of Fire

Rick Riordan books

My favorite movies ( not in any particular order ):

Harry Potter

How To Train Your Dragon 1-3 ( they're actually pretty good )

The Hobbit 1-3 and The Lord of the Rings 1-3 

Star Wars 1-9

Jurassic World 1-3

Those are just a few of my favorites and because I'm just super lazy I won't make a bigger list.

Some of the only old Puzzle Duel photos are saved here.

My ChessKid ratings:

I’m very proud of this game against a 1630 rated player on ChessKid

We almost got a draw but I ended up winning.


1000 USCF (not too big, I'm not super ambitious)


1200 rapid

1200 daily

35 streak puzzle rush

get 100 members in The Ultimate United States Chess Club

2000 puzzle rating

regain 2000 puzzle rating

1500 bullet

1500 blitz

1200 3+

1000 crazyhouse

1400 bughouse

Lots of goals for, can't put them all here

A few things about me:

  1. I am the leader of The Ultimate United States Chess Club:
  2. My ChessKid account is MSCMDSAveryW
  3. My Lichess account is AveryWang12345678908
  4. I like ChessKid Puzzle Duels
  5. My highest Puzzle Duel Streak is 76
  6. I have a total of 1800 Puzzle Duel wins so far
  7. I like Pokémon, jaguars, and chess
  8. I'm alive
  9. I'm a human
  10. I live on Earth
  11. I exist
  12. I have a brain
  13. I eat food
  14. I drink water
  15. I have a question for you: Why are you looking at my profile?

Anyway, enough about me.

I know a few things about you:

  1. You are looking at my profile
  2. You have played chess before
  3. You have gotten through five of my pictures ( the game doesn’t count )
  4. You just checked if there was a game
  5. You just checked that there were five pictures
  6. You realize all this is true
  7. All the things I just wrote start with the word you
  8. You just checked to make sure
  9. You realize I know quite a few things about you

I know some things that for sure do not apply to you (but don't scroll farther down till you've finished reading this) :

  1. You are not 1,000 years old
  2. You are not reading this
  3. You do not exist 
  4. You are not a human, but an alien from a place unknown to people from Earth
  5. You like my bio because it is boring and long and you hate it ( ha, I know, impossible right )             Now.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Copy and paste this in your bio.

Though congratulations, you made it this far already instead of dying from boredom the moment you started reading this, so I’ll let you see my Lichess stats:Lichess updates from the 14th of October

More Lichess:

What it says on my Lichess profile today:


USCF rating: 857
Somewhere in this world United States

Time spent playing: 1 hour 40 minutes

I don't show my clubs on because I am

Member since June 4, 2024

You’re very welcomehappy

Tho not very impressive 

Plus, because you hung around, I might let you see more...

 His name is Orzo

Her name is Penne, Orzo and Penne are my two amazing cats, they are also siblings

A slow game I played pretty well on ChessKid:

8 Cool People I know on
I’m sorry if you don’t see your name on the list, I’m really lazy and I will make a full list later, not in any particular order. Also, if you want your name on the list, just send me a friend request or click my friend link, then DM me.

  1. @FullCrowdedBadger
  2. @chesswhizz9
  3. My brother: @MSCMDSAdrianW
  4. @Admiral_ChessBeard
  5. @JMGuel2012
  6. @redloudcar
  7. @exceptionalfork 
  8. @theeldest1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Wait- I know more about you:

    •1. You are reading this

    •2. You just gave me +1 view

    •3. You are a human

    •4. You can't say the word Tiger without moving your lips

    •6. You just attempted to do it

    •7. You are laughing at yourself

    •8. You have a smile on your face and you skipped number 5

    •9. You check if there was a number 5

    •10. You laugh at this because you fell for it

    •11. Copy and look, who falls for it too!

                                                                                                                                                                    Updated last October 21, Monday, 2024                                                                                                 Hello, still hanging around, are ya? Well, sorry but no more bio for you.                                      THANKS FOR READING ( THE MAIN PART )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                        UPCOMING HIGHLIGHTED STUFF............................................................................................................................................................................................ friend count: 68                                                                                                              When I am on I am usually either playing puzzles or making my title as Queen Of Puzzle Duel known, which I used to do way more but not anymore... Why? No clue... I probably should... If you like cats, DM me or join my cats club ( link above ). Now this is the real end of my bio... Or is it... No, I must tell you it is not... And I will squeeze this in, and I can't even believe I almost forgot: I like Legos. I cannot stand having my bio without... Well, you'll find out if you stay here for just a little bit longer... What I want to show you is extremely important... But you'll only know if you stick around for long enough... I have to draw it out for the big effect... I am probably being quite annoying right now, sorry, but I think you'll have to stay to see it... Okay, sorry! You can get going after you read this ( and make sure to scroll to the bottom )! What I wanted to say was I accept all friend requests, so feel free to send me one! For no reason, yes, but especially if you like cats, and your favorite cat is either a jaguar, a tiger, or just a big cat, because they are great. Oh, sorry to hold you up, but my friend link is: and I hope it works, but it might say missing data for provided link or something like that, and it's useful if I'm not online to accept friend requests.      

    Important: look down to the bottom: 



    Coconut Virus

    You have caught it by looking at it 

    Copy and paste in your bio to see who else gets infected

    Hey, keep scrolling! Don't just quit! Oh, oops! Really sorry, I don't have more. Actually, I do:             See that mystical and beautiful forest? It's full of trash. Do you see those beautiful Sumatran Tigers? (Sumatran tiger is my favourite tiger, but they are the rarest tigers) There are only fewer than 600 left...   Do you know IMPERIAL AMAZON parrot? Search them, there are only about 50 Imperial Amazon Parrots left. Put this on your profile, if you care about nature. I bet 99% you won't post it. Also, put #ICareOfNature to your status. This is written by tigerchess2022. Don't care about animal cruelty? Well, you should! Every sixty seconds one animal suffers abuse. Don't think "At least they don't die, right?" because they do. Every year in just the USA, over 10 million animals die from abuse. Wanna know something even worse? Animals are tortured and killed, and about 97% of them are farm animals. Speaking of torture, what about lab experiments? Well, every year, over 115 million animals are used in experiments around the world. Approximately 75,000 dogs are tortured in US labs every year. Also in the US are more than 10,000 puppy mills. Don't know what a puppy mill is? They are places where female dogs are pressured to make puppies, then the puppies stay in overcrowded places where the puppies are likely to get sick. Another animal that is special is elephants, who have ivory tusks so that makes them very valuable to poachers. Between 35,000-50,000 are poached every year. In the 21st century there are more elephants being poached than being born. What about animals in the ocean? Well, over 100 million sharks are killed every year illegally, mainly for shark fin soup. Now, one last thing. Cages. What happens when cages and animals mix? Well, if you add in the circus, you find out that circus animals spend 96% of their lives in cages. Imagine being stuck in a cage your entire life, letting people gawk at you. Copy this and put it in your profile if you want to spread the word about animal cruelty.