Probably the best coach in the world*
2021: Blog Chess Cougars
2020 update: Exclusively focused on my Black Champ Project
Previously Cyberphilosopher of the 3rd kind at ITU
If you want to be world champ I might be for hire for $1 at Cochess
If you want to be national champ you might earn a scholarship from me to train with friend and foster son Patrick
My notes on the Greek Freak free chess consultation when streaming!
Artificial intelligence work, fidetrainer under LinkedIn AntillecT Artificial Consciousness
Becoming a FIDETrainerNET apprentice
Glorious Leader of the Zurich 1953 Cult
After Gurevich, now also Daniel King's stamp of approval :
First, two items of business:
a) chess is a game for the poor and watching streams and games may be a cheap thrill, but being a serious chess trainee is expensive business, in time, money, even in negotiating time off from school etc. Do not try this at home if you don't have the right sponsor.
b) my method is a triangle, a pyramid if you will, where you provide your mission statement, I provide technical and psychological guidance, and to complete the package you will need a regimen of body/physical activities. In the absence of something more sophisticated regular sports, martial arts or yoga will do, but may not be ideal.
"I teach that when it rains the pavements get wet."
latest OTB game : vs Dorfanis
Part Dvoretsky, part Dan Peña. Only players who want to rocket to the top, please! Language of instruction, English, Danish, French, German, Greek or Spanish. Strongly suggested prospective students have a full DNA (genetic test) profile. Coach since 1989, officially FIDE Trainer FT since 2017. Consider becoming a supporter before requesting extensive advice, especially if you are an anonymous user: