
Hello there

I am a big star wars fan, and I'm always willing to chat about anything star wars related (except for the evil sequels). I am also a big fan of Lord of the Rings. things I like other than movies include games, hanging out with friends, learning new history facts, or giving my younger siblings bad ideas.

There is no relationship like the one shared between siblings. They may fight a lot, but at the end of the day they will remain inseparable. I have three siblings, and they are everything to me. There is nothing I wouldn't do for any of them. Being their older brother does leave me as the responsible one which can be hard at times, but it is so worth it. Being a Christian means that God is first in my life, but right after him comes my siblings. No person or thing is more important to me than they are, and until I have kids of my own my siblings will always come before anyone else. 

in public I am the most introverted person you will ever meet. if you're ever looking for me in a crowded area, then just look for the guy standing in the corner watching everything that is happening around me. I'm pretty much the opposite when I'm online. I'll get into a conversation with just about anyone online and I'll keep it going for some time if you let me. when I'm not in public, or with people I know I can be very talkative and a bit energetic. when I'm with my siblings or younger cousins is when things get interesting. I can be very crazy, care free, and very mischievous when I'm with them

I am mostly Irish and Scandinavian. I love the cultures and history of both groups, especially the music. I love listening to Irish music, learning bout their part in the American civil war, and eating Irish food. as for the Scandinavian, VIKINGS! The history culture and religion of the Vikings is awesome stuff to learn about. the numerous wars, battles, and raids they took part in are all the stuff of legends. the modern descendants of the Vikings are still very intimidating, and make some amazing songs.

My absolute favorite place out there is my Grandparent's camp. it is in the middle of a forest in upstate New York, and it is so calm, peaceful, and amazing in every other way especially in the winter. I love to walk the trails, see the waterfall, drive four-wheelers with my uncle, or when there is snow I love to go tubing down the massive hill. when I'm not outside I love running around the halls of the manor with my younger cousins or talking to my family in one of the two living rooms. Even the work involved in taking care.of this place is fun. Big machines, chainsaws, tractors, and other things are involved in maintaining the camp. It's a lot of fun. there truly isn't a place that will be better than the camp, and you won't ever be changing my mind about that

if you want to get me talking for awhile then start a conversation about World war 2, the American civil war,the Vietnam war, Rome, or the winter war. really anything history will work, but those are the best topics for a longer conversation.

High Braes Refuge

Christian Retreat ministry

Redfield New York


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