ডায়মন্ড সদস্য

Hello everybody I just turned 70 last month and have decided I have put in a hundreds of hrs over the year. I have enough issues trying to keep my health in order. Just wanted everybody to know I will always be dedicated to the site and do my best as a normal member. It's time for the younger members to take more on their hands. I will be available to any question that I'm allowed to answer. has been the best online site I have ever belonged to. May everybody have great chess. Cheers

Admin's Corner and Training Club
Admin's Corner and Training Club ৪৯৩ জন সদস্য
Club Admins
Club Admins ৬,৭৮৫ জন সদস্য
SAC Admins
SAC Admins ১০ জন সদস্য
Trump Club
Trump Club ২৫৪ জন সদস্য
Advanced Theoretical Discussion Group
Advanced Theoretical Discussion Group ২৪৩ জন সদস্য