
hello reader [ im just saying don't expect me to be a proffesional writter ] I am a huge cat lover  which you might have guessed. So if you send me an invite to a cat's club i will certainly join.         about my clubs=                                                                                                                                  founder of Ultimate Magnus Carlsen fans - Chess Club -   which has 70 + members so please join it [bio currently incomplete so check on it again in a few days.          note= follow me please

Ultimate Magnus Carlsen fans
Ultimate Magnus Carlsen fans 71 карыстальнік
The Green Dragon Inn
The Green Dragon Inn 490 карыстальнікаў
iCHESS 5 009 карыстальнікаў
Wings of Chess
Wings of Chess 62 карыстальніка
The Rulers of Chess
The Rulers of Chess 471 карыстальнік